Natural Language Processing

Launched in 2018. Author and instructor.
Online NLP-course on Coursera
Very brief syllabus: text classification (sentiment analysis, intent recognition), language modeling, sequence tagging (part-of-speach tagging, named entity recognition), seqence2sequence (machine translation, summarization), dialoge systems (implement your own chat-bot as the final project!).

Spring 2017. Instructor.
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University.

Machine Learning

Fall 2016, Spring 2015. Teaching Assistant.
Faculty of Computer Science, Higher Schoolof Economics.

Fall 2015, Spring 2016. Instructor.
Yandex School of Data Analysis.

Bayesian Methods in Topic Modeling

Spring 2015. Teaching Assistant. Lecture Notes (in Russian)
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University.